Sunday, December 18, 2016

I'm Dreaming of A Kind Christmas

Christmas! Yes!!!! In case you didn't notice, I LOVE Christmas. As you probably know, the LDS church has released its "Light the World" project, where everyone does one act of service every day, and it is simply amazing! Try to be more kind this week!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Star Wars. A small hobby.

As most of you probably know, Rogue One, the newest Star Wars movie is coming out on December 16!!! Basically, this is the movie explaining how the rebels got the Death Star plans they use to destroy it in episode 4, "A New Hope." Tickets for this awesome movie go on sale on Monday! (The 28 of November.)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Want to know what the funnest thing ever to do for a birthday party is? Find a space simulator near you! These simulators create a hands-on mission for kids, where each kid has a job, and they have to fulfill their mission! The kids will LOVE it! Promise. Last week we went to the Christa Mcauliffe space center. It was awesome!
Image result for christa mcauliffe space center

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Halloween Fun

What are you all being for Halloween? This year me and my BFF will be dressed as the famous BB-8 and R2-D2. Who doesn't love a good Star Wars costume? We are creating this look by making two no-sew tutus with orange and white, and blue and white. We couldn't find a great price on white beanies, so we are using a large Styrofoam ball which we will cut in half, and decorate with felt. We can't wait to show off these fabulous costumes! 

(This isn't actually the one we made, but... It looks similar.)
Image result for tutu bb8

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Ever After High

I thoroughly enjoy the children's show "Ever After High." Recently I found some beautiful artwork on Pinterest.  has created some amazing pieces of artwork and I highly praise her!

The Amazing Zion Canyon

Recently my family and I went on a trip to Zion National Park in southern Utah. The astounding beauty of the park is jaw-dropping. Throughout my childhood, we visited Zion many times. It has become one of my favorite places in the world.